Bodies need care and feeding, as we are well aware. Our soul part has needs as well, on just as regular a basis as our body part. Not to say that soul care and feeding requires participation in a religion. Or a belief, beyond recognizing that humans are comprised of two parts. And possibly not that; the offerings for soul care and feeding I make here may look very unlike what one would imagine nourishment of a soul to be.
- Find things that make you laugh. Belly laughs have especially high nourishment content.
- Like yourself, warts and all.
- Assume that everyone, including yourself, is doing the best they can at the moment.
- Look for the good.
- Engage in enough exercise to cause heavy breathing. Soul nourishment gets in the oxygen line behind the brain, the heart, all other organs.
- Do something for someone. Size does not count. Egos measure, souls do not.
- Take your soul out for a walk, enjoying the view, the sweet air, the sun, the rain, the snow, the wind, the stars.
- Show your soul a good time with caring company--friends, family, lovers, pets.
- Treat your soul to some beauty--art, dance, music.
- Give your soul a little quiet, unbusy time, listening to your breath, feeling your heart. Your body is its temple.
To give you an idea of soul toxins: anger, jealousy, holding grudges, violence, retaliation. In short, anything we do that shuts us down, cuts us off from others.
And so, here's to a robust, well cared-for, exuberant soul, no matter the circumstance or the challenge life here on earth may bring.
i needed this, she said soulfully.