Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Shout Out To Winter

Getting through another winter season in the Hudson Valley, I learned something that I won't soon forget; how to make peace with what is, and find the life in it.

I'm feeling grateful for the snow storms, uncompromising cold, days with more darkness than light, that gave me an in-my-face choice to find the good in the moment or get sucked into some pretty dark stuff.  And almost to my surprise, good really was there waiting to be found. 

I'm not saying it's news that the earth is one tough gig.  What I am meaning to say is, good really is there waiting to be found.  Find your good.

1 comment:

  1. Hah...I can use these wise words to make peace with my almost at an end Louisiana winter...grey and cold with no snow to brighten and quiet the days:) I am not quite there yet, but this was just the first one. Better luck next year for me.
